Thursday, November 3, 2011

{thankful: day 1 - 3}

It's the month to be Thankful.  It's not that we all aren't thankful the rest of the year but with Thanksgiving quickly approaching it reminds us of things to be thankful for.  All over Facebook you see a month full of thanks posts.  So I have decided to post here.  Which means I am trying really hard to post every day.  Yes, I am behind a few days.  But don't despair, I am catching up below.  And I am sure I will probably forget to post here and there and have to catch up again.  I am warning you ahead of time for my shortcomings.  How awesome is that? 

Let me start by saying I have so much to be thankful for.  I could post every day about my amazing husband and beautiful divas.  They are the best things that have ever happened to me.  I am one lucky girl.

And so the list begins:

Day 1:  I am thankful for a body that can move.  I test its limits almost every day - and sometimes put it through more pain than I should.  But it is making me stronger and healthier every day.

Day 2:  I am thankful MH has a good job.  Especially in this economy.  Even though I try to get him to play sick (almost every day - and he ruins my fun).  He is the perfect employee.  He works so hard for our family.  I say he is amazing all the time - but it's the truth. 

Day 3:  I am thankful for this....
My niece introduced me to the Croc flat iron.  I am in love.  I have been a Chi lover for years.  I didn't think I would ever want to change.  I have seen the error of my ways.  The best part:  this iron is "green" which makes the Treehugger Husband very happy.  And an added bonus... it's cute and my favorite color.  What more could a girl want?

To be skinny, wealthy.... oh wait.  That's for another time.

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